Saturday, December 15, 2012

14 December Updates

Arrival at Anjali House after breakfast
[purpose: on-site recee -- our lessons begin next Monday]

Volunteers' briefing inside the building

On-site dry run of games

...unexpectedly we attracted quite a bit of attention (from kids and staff alike)

Teamwork in action

Post-dry-run discussions (under the big tree)

COMMA team deep in thought

Chidren Comm had lunch at scenic spot (of course we had to take a picture)
we split into 2 comms: children & youth comms to have lunch, buy logistics

Youth Comm had lunch at Swensen's (the ice-cream was quite cheap)

Searching for logistics (Youth Comm)

Searching for logistics (Children Comm)

Buying and waiting for receipts

Youth and Children Comm met together back at the hotel.
We began preparing for tomorrow (folding lots of origami boxes)

Then we had team dinner (:

Leisure Walk/Shopping around after dinner

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